Heinzerling Community

1800 Heinzerling Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43223
Tel: 614-272-8888

Visiting Hours:

Heinzerling Community is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Family members and guardians are welcome to visit their loved ones at any time.

Business Hours:

M – F: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm


The staff on unit one recognize Ryley Bushong, Habilitation Specialist, as an integral part of the team. Ryley goes above and beyond in her care of the staff and the residents and is always willing to lend a helping hand. Most recently a long time resident was hospitalized and Ryley voluntarily stayed the night at the hospital to ensure she was not alone. The unit one staff want to commend and thank Ryley for everything she does to uphold the mission of Heinzerling “A legacy of caring”. The unit one team appreciates Ryley and her dedication to all the residents.


The Human Resources Department of the Heinzerling Community makes every effort to recruit and retain qualified caring individuals who are committed to providing the best of care for our residents. The Heinzerling Community has a variety of employment opportunities available. If you are interested in joining the Heinzerling Community, click here.

© Copyright Heinzerling Community 2017. All Rights Reserved