About Us
At Heinzerling Community, we are committed to caring for children and adults with severe or profound developmental disabilities. Our compassionate and dedicated staff focuses on creating a nurturing environment in which individuals have opportunities to learn, have fun, feel safe and loved, and make choices about what happens in their lives. We strive for individuals to live as independently as possible while receiving the physical, emotional and medical supports they need to live a life full of opportunities for growth and development.
The mission of Heinzerling Community is to provide a loving and nurturing environment that enriches the development, education, and quality of life of individuals with severe or profound developmental disabilities.
Our Leadership
Heinzerling Community is governed by a board of trustees, advised by a health advisory committee and led by a team of dedicated professionals who oversee general administration, finances, operations and resident services.
History & Background
Founded in 1959 by Otto and Mildred Heinzerling, Heinzerling Community has been in existence for more than 50 years and is just as committed now as it was at the beginning to providing a loving, nurturing environment for individuals with severe or profound developmental disabilities.
In the Community
There is always something fun and exciting happening with Heinzerling Community.
We are proud to offer support to the families of our residents as well as those in the community looking for assistance and information about developmental disabilities and services. Our resource page offers useful links to a wide range of topics.
HIPAA Compliance
HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, sets the standard for protecting patient information. Learn more about how we protect our residents’ personal information.
© Copyright Heinzerling Community 2017. All Rights Reserved